Monday 16 September 2024

Manipur conflict – an analysis of its origin and reasons thereof


Manipur conflict – an analysis of its origin and reasons thereof

Manipur in turmoil 

The Manipur incident had exploded as a national news way back after the 3rd May, 2023 incident, when a Kuki protest congregation had turned violent and attacked Meitei villages and inflicted casualties, which appeared to be a pre-mediated event.  However, the violence after initially simmering vigorously for a few months, was slowly settling down, when the current spate of rocket and so called drone attacks, has again catapulted the State onto the national news headlines.  Although a senior Police functionary has turned down the drone attack theory, which was purportedly being circulated as a fake video of some other conflict zone, but the deep distrust amongst the two tribes has just started simmering again, just before the assembly elections are due for some north Indian States, slated to begin in a few months’ time and the Election Commission has already notified the same.  This made me do a bit of research and to publish this current blog, about my take on this issue.

The map of Manipur

A brief Geography, culture and History

[This part covers the tribes of Manipur and their origin etc. of Meitei’s]

The State of Manipur is a small State in the North-eastern region of India.  It is geographically situated being bordered by Nagaland in the North, Mizoram in the South, Cachar district of Assam in the West and bordering Myanmar in the East. The land surface of Manipur is 22,347 sq. kms. About 90% of the land mass of Manipur is mountainous.  In 1826, Manipur was brought into India by the treaty of Yandavo by Raja Jai Singh with the British at the end of the Indo-Burmese war. This followed a dispute in accession to the throne. With the intervention of the British, the dispute was settled. In 1891 Churachand was nominated the Raja and it came under British rule as a princely state. During World War-II, Imphal (capital of Manipur) was occupied by the Japanese. After Indian independence Manipur became a Union Territory and subsequently achieved statehood in January 21, 1972. 

The Meitei's of Manipur

            The people of Manipur comprise of Meitei, Bishnupriyas, Naga, Meitei Pangal (Muslim Meitei community) and other smaller communities which have lived together in complete harmony for centuries.  The inhabitants of Manipur have been identifying themselves as "Manipuris" since centuries. The land of Manipur was formerly divided into small territories occupied by different clans, namely - Khumals, Moirangs, Angoms, Luwangs, Ningthoujas etc. The territories occupied by them were identified as per the names of their respective clans. Some of the clans are of Aryan branches and some belong to Kuki-chin branch.  Therefore, different clans of the Aryan and Mongoloid people lived side by side in Manipur for centuries. In course of time the Meitei’s (the Ningtauja clan) occupied all the territories towards 15th century AD and established a sovereign kingdom known as ‘Meitei Leipak’ (the land of Meiteis).  Historians also equivocally agree that the Bishnupriyas were also living in the Valley of Manipur from centuries before the establishment of that "Meitei- Laipak" (Sometimes refers as to be Senalaipak, Kongleipak, Metrabak etc.). The Meiteis called the Bishnupriyas as ‘Mayangs’ and the history Manipur can be traced back the 7th century AD, it could have its origin earlier too, but the same is not well documented.

A Meitei Pangal (Muslim) family in Manipur

As regards the name Meitei and Bishnupriya, there is a story prevalent and found in local Meitei purana or puya called "Khumal Purana". This purana states that conversion of Meiteis into Hinduism by Shri Santidas Babaji in 19th century at the instance of the then King Shri Pamhaiba and it was aimed at linking up the with the Aryans, the mainstream of people of Manipur and their language too with Sanskrit. The Aryans, the followers of Lord Vishnu denied to accept the initiation by Shri Santadas Babaji , whereas the others accepted. Thus, the Manipuri people Aryan and Kuki-chin group have been classified and renamed as Bishnupriya and Meiteis.  Thus, the term ‘Manipur’ and ‘Manipuris’ have been in use by both the Meiteis and the Bishnupriyas commonly with equal right to them; and practically, people of both these clans used these two terms ‘Manipur’ and ‘Manipuris’ without any reservation to identify their land and themselves respectively.  Further, culturally, the Meiteis and Bishnupriyas cannot be distinguished from each other. Both these two clans developed a homogeneous culture and the concept of being one community was ingrained over centuries.

 [Origin etc. of Kuki’s]

            Much of the history that we know about the Kukis is through colonial records. The name “Kuki” was perhaps used for the first time in British documents in 1777 when the British Governor General Warren Hastings was asked for help against Kuki raids from the hills by the chief of Chittagong.  Incidentally, these tribes were also called Lushais by the British and Chins by the Burmese. Historians believe that the name “Kuki” itself is an exonym, meaning that it was a name given by outsiders of a community or group of communities and not one native to the state of Manipur.  The 1886 Gazetteer of Manipur which was based on this census data further recorded approximately 8,000 ‘old Kukis’ in Manipur, who traditionally lived in the state, and about 17,000 ‘new Kukis’ who migrated from Lushai Hills in the south during the early 19th century.  These tribes, which later came to be identified and referred to as Kuki-Chin groups had similar linguistic and cultural affinities and their populations are found in all north eastern states of India today (apart from Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim).

Kuki's of Manipur

             In a critique of the largely colonial historiography of the Kukis, other historians and researchers, especially indigenous academics, have found this view of Kukis as painted by colonial writings as deeply erroneous and one-sided.  Anecdotes about the exogamous origins of the word “Kuki” which some colonial accounts dubbed as a “Bengali word” and the “perceived notion that they (Kukis) were immigrants from the south in the latter half of the 19th Century remains the “most erroneous view” of a deeply subjective colonial historiography,” noted Haoginlen Chongloi in his paper “Wave Theory Kuki Perspective on Migration”.  Professor Gangumei Kabui also noted the same in his article ‘History of Manipur’.

Some foreign backed Kuki militants in Manipur

On the other hand, Kukis of present day Manipur can be traced back to as early as the historic times along with or after the Meitei advent in Manipur Valley, explains Ngamjahao Kipgen, Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.  Kuki academic Thongkholal Haokip adds that Buddhist literature written by Lama Taranathaduring the 15th century also has accounts of Kukis (Ko-ki) in their present habitat.  Incidentally, Pooyas, traditional records maintained by Meitei Kings mention how “two Kuki chiefs named Kuki Ahongba and Kuki Achouba were allies to Nongba Lairen Pakhangba, the first historically recorded king of the Meithis [Meiteis], in the latter’s mobilization for the throne in 33 AD,” Haokip wrote in a 2010 paper.  “The question of their citizenship undebatable”. Chongloi adds that Kukis followed a wave pattern of migration and these patterns can be traced with respect to the location of the purported “khul” or cave to which the Kukis mythologically trace their origin.  The question, then, should perhaps not be about when the Kukis came to Manipur but instead framed as “Who are the people who identify as Kuki and since when?” Such a probe seems to better describe the complexities of the historical narratives surrounding Kukis.

High Court orders leading to protests - a collage of reportings

            In Kuki mythology and cultural history, the Kuki-Chins emerged from a cave called ‘Sinlung’, or a rock called ‘Chhinlung’ or from the ‘khul’. While the location of this khul orits actual existence has remained unverified, the place is real in the collective memory of the Kuku-Chin people and an important aspect of their identity-building process.  “In their self-perception, the Kuki-Chin groups believe that all of them originated from the same place and that they have a common social origin and share descent”, Kipgen writes.  For instance, many Kuki groups believe the mythical folk hero Gaalngam to be their progenitor. His “history” is recorded in material artefacts like footprints, paw marks, engravings on rock slabs, etc. Present-day Churachandpur district of Manipur, a stronghold of Kukis, is said to house the footprints of the mythical Gaalngam and his herds of Mithun and there is even a memorial on the spot to mark the place by the Hmar Kuki tribe that refers to him as their “grandfather”.  While these myths cannot really be verified, as with myths of other religions, they play an important role in building the cultural identity of Kukis and find resonation in songs, art, poetry, cultural events and even bedtime stories of Kukis.

Some Kukis with placards in Mizoram - instance of foreign hand clearly seen

Among the Kukis, there has been a perception of a single homeland for all Kukis tribes-Zale’n-gam. While the physical demarcations of this homeland might not be found on any map, the place exists in the memories of the Kuki ancestors.  “Zale’n-gam is an ideological concept propounded by PS Haokip, the President of the KNO, which means ‘freedom of the people in their land’,” Kipgen explains.  Haokip propagated the ideology of Zale’n-gam as the means to unite the erstwhile ancestral domain of the Kukis prior to the British rule and restore the Kuki nation Zale’n-gam. It encapsulates and expounds the essence of Kuki history and nationalism and the restoration of the erstwhile Kuki territory in the pre-colonial period.  “There has been a desire to unify all the Kuki inhabited areas into a single administrative unit.  Currently, their demand is for a separate homeland/Kukiland within the framework of the Constitution.  However, Kipgen highlights that despite the Kukis’ search for Zale’n-gam beyond the Meitei kingdom of Kangleipak (Manipur), the two communities have coexisted peacefully for time immemorial and did not interfere in each other’s internal affairs, even offering help in the face of common enemies.  An example of this amity was noted in 1810 when the then Meitei King Chourajit sought help from Kukis to fight the Burmese army. Historians also state that Kuki chiefs supplied irregulars to guard the Meitei Maharajah and his Kingdom which was resisting the merger agreement on the eve of Manipur’s annexation to India in 1949 when the kingdom was merged with the Indian Union.

 Political scenario of Manipur after India’s Independence

Recent Meitei march in Imphal

Manipur had ceased to be an independent kingdom in 1891 when Britain took it over after its victory in the Anglo-Manipur War. The assassination of British officials led to the Battle of Khongjom, officially commemorated by the state on 23rd of April every year.  Another tragedy related  to  the  conflict,  celebrated annually  as  Patriots’  Day,  is  the  public  hanging  in  Imphal  of  two prominent  combatants,  Thangal  General  and  Tikendrajit  Yuvaraj  on August 13, 1891.  The  loss  of  the  state  to  Britain  was  acknowledged  as  part  of British India’s expansion to defend its eastern borders, which inevitably resulted in the loss of Manipur’s independence. As Britain did not annex the Kingdom, but Manipur became another indigenous State  with  administrative  and  political  sovereignty  vested  in  the Maharaja, but  restricted to  the Valley, and  Britain overseeing  the outer Hill  districts  populated  by  tribal  people.  The  presence  of  a  British resident  in  Imphal  emphasized  the ‘independent’  kingdom’s  sub-ordinate position even more.  British deepened the divide between the hills and the valley, as per their doctrine of ‘divide and rule’, which is more or less a source of conflict in recent times. Manipur has had a chequered political history.

 In 1946, Irabot and Longjam Bimol established the Praja  Sangh  political party to achieve  an  independent Manipur.  Their  goal  entailed  the creation  of  a parliament,  constitution  and  a  cabinet replacing  the  monarchy in which  the  people’s  representatives  would  govern  the  state  based  on socialist principles.  These ideals faced  opposition from individuals  who went  on  to  form  the  Manipur  Congress,  a  political  party  that  had  no affiliation with  the Indian National  Congress. In 1947, a constitution- making committee, chaired by F.F.  Pearson, President of the Manipur State Durbar, drafted the Manipur Constitution.

           Following India’s independence from British rule in 1947, India’s first Home  Minister, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, initiated the  integration of  more  than  six  hundred  princely  kingdoms  into  the  newly  formed Indian Union.  The process of assimilating these incongruent states was lengthy. After India gained its independence, Akbar Hydari, the Governor of Assam at the time, visited Manipur to  evaluate the political situation and  examine  the  possibility  of  Manipur  becoming  a  part  of  India. Hydari’s visit provided the central government insights into the views of both the Maharaja and the people of Manipur, which helped the Indian government in its decision-making process.

       In September 1949, Maharaja Bodh Chandra Singh was invited by Akbar Hydari to Shillong for discussions on integration. On the first day of  the  conference,  Hydari  presented  the  Maharaja  with  a  pre-written ‘Merger  Agreement,’  which  stipulated the  integration  of  Manipur  into the Indian Union. The Maharaja insisted that the deal could not be signed without consulting the Council of Ministers.  Despite his offer of consultations, the Maharaja was placed under house arrest and barred from communicating with anyone outside.  Consequently, on September 21, 1949, the Maharaja was coerced into signing the ‘Merger Agreement’ with India. The newly formed Indian government in New Delhi dismissed the then  elected Manipur  government, and pressed Maharaja  Bodh Chandra  to  sign  a  merger  agreement  on  that  day.  The Assembly was dissolved, and Manipur was reduced to a ‘Part-C state,’ and designated as a Chief Commissioner’s Province on October 15, 1949.  At this time Manipur’s Kuki leaders, rejected the Manipur Merger Agreement, believing it compromised the geographical integrity of the Kukis.

         An  Advisory  Council  was  formed  in  1950  to  make recommendations  on  the  State’s  management  and  Manipur  was designated as a Union Territory on November 1, 1955. It was replaced by a Territorial Council of thirty elected and two nominated members in 1957.  Despite lacking functional  power, the  Government of  Union Territories Act  of  1963  created  a  Legislative  Assembly  of  thirty  elected  and  three nominated  members.  The  top  executive  was  appointed  at  the  rank  of Lieutenant Governor  on December 19,  1969.  Following lengthy protests in Manipur and elsewhere in India, Manipur was granted full statehood on January 21, 1972, and the same year witnessed the first state elections held under Indian sovereignty.

             This merger of the State with India in 1949 nevertheless led to a wider gulf between the hill dwellers and the plains men.  Under this new system, various hill areas under the British administration became a ‘Scheduled Area’ and the Acts forbid the plain peoples (Meiteis) to settle in tribal areas/the hilly region. This clearly alienates the Meiteis and the tribals (the Nagas and the Kukis), Kipgen adds.  Over the past decades the Kuki identity, however, has also undergone changes with several Kuki groups claiming tribalistic self-assertion. The Hmars, an old Kuki tribe, claim to identify neither as Naga nor Kuki while some other Kuki tribes like the Anal and the Monsang, are assimilating Naga identity.  These shifts, however, now bears the effect of the ongoing violence between Kukis and Meiteis in Manipur, which has put the Kuki identity at the center of controversy and further complicated Kuki identity as it fights a violent battle for legitimacy against the dominant majority of the land.

         There was a spate of insurgency related incidents, fueled specifically by the Kuki militant organizations, as  a  result  of  the  violence  in  Manipur,  successive  Indian governments  have  resorted  to  strong  measures  to  maintain  order, including declaring the  entire state a ‘Disturbed Area,’  and authorizing the  implementation  of  the  Armed  Forces  Special  Powers  Act  (AFSPA).  The  AFSPA is  designed to  grant special  powers  to the  Armed Forces  in counter insurgency  and  terrorist  operations  when  other  forces  fail  to control  the  situation.  The  law  allows  the  armed  forces  to  conduct proactive  operations  against  insurgents in  hostile  environments. While the  AFSPA  is  applicable  only  in  the  Disturbed  Areas,  the  authority  to declare an area as such rests with the central and state governments.  Recent actions by the Manipur government have heightened tensions and exacerbated the  Kuki  community’s  sense of  discrimination  and  insecurity,  such  as the temporary suspension of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) that had been activated by India and Myanmar in January 2018 to allow movement of  villagers living  along  their 1,643  km-long  border.  The suspension was  extended in  November 2022  because  it was  believed  that the  FMR may  lead to  further increase  in  the illegal  entry of  Myanmar  nationals into India  in view  of the political  turmoil in Myanmar.  The FMR allows tribes living along the border to travel 16 km across either side of the border without visa restrictions.  There are over 250 villages with more than 300,000 people living within 10 km. of the border who frequently cross the border through 150 small and large formal and informal border crossings.  Moreover, the Kukis feel discriminated against due to the decision of the Government to suspend this free passage eviction drives.  The  Kukis  perceive  these  actions  as  targeting  their community, particularly the  Chin-Kuki tribe,  although the government claims  that  the  measures had  affected  various  communities, including the  Meiteis.

How insurgency affected Manipur in the past

However, the story of Manipur insurgency and AFSPA would be incomplete without mention of the role of Irom Chanu Sharmila.  The Government at the center (i.e. Government of India) during the past were not very much concerned with the affairs of the States of north east India, as a result, wherever there was any armed insurgency related issues, the response was always a knee-jerk reaction, by responding with the magnitude of armed response that was commensurate with the gravity of the situation i.e. deployment of CRPF or Assam Rifles or Armed forces and promulgation of AFSPA etc., as the case maybe.  A simple search in respect of such incidents in all the north eastern states be it Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura or Nagaland, will reflect unnecessary use of force by the central government on many occasions. 

Irom Chanu Sharmila - a lone crusader in Manipur

   Due to long standing insurgency, the AFSPA was in force in Manipur since.  There were two major armed insurgent groups of Kuki militants operating both from within and outside India in Manipur and the main militant groups were the NSCN-IM (that entered a ceasefire agreement with India in 1997), Kuki National Organization (KNO) and the United People’s Front (UPF) that had entered into an agreement for ‘Suspension of Operation’ (SoO) with the GoI way back on 22nd August, 2008.  The oldest armed insurgent group of Manipur was the United National Liberation Front (UNLF) that has been operating in the State since 1964 and the other major militant groups affiliated with the Meitei’s and were largely Meitei backed were the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK), Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) and Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL), but they had stayed clear of any negotiation with GoI till they signed a deal in November, 2023.  However, despite the various agreements between the militant groups and Government of India (GoI), AFSPA continued in Manipur and several incidents of uncalled for Civil Rights violation had been documented and demonstrations and protests lodged by people of Manipur against such atrocities from time to time.  Amongst them the role of Irom Chanu Sharmila, who launched a non-violent agitation against imposition of AFSPA is a chapter from Manipur history that cannot be overlooked.  On November 5, 2000, a frail young woman from Manipur quietly sat on a hunger strike at Malom, near the site where three days earlier 10 civilians were shot dead while waiting at a bus stand by Indian paramilitary forces. Irom Chanu Sharmila had resolved to fast until the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, (AFSPA), was repealed by the Central government.

            In that dignified, peaceful protest that lasted 16 years — considered the world’s longest hunger strike – a most unlikely icon of 21st century India was born. Not only did Irom Sharmila become a symbol of non-violent resistance against the brute force of the establishment and armed forces, she also assumed the stature of an incorruptible, uncompromising martyr for the people of not just Manipur, but all the States where AFSPA was imposed. From a normal, life-loving, gentle young woman, Irom Sharmila became the “Iron Lady of Manipur”; she was also “Mengoubi”, or the “Fair One”.  Despite her political foray turning out to be a disastrous one, yet her contribution for Manipur is singular and praise worthy.

Conclusion - What is my take on the Manipur scenario

Houses were set ablaze in Torbung area of Churachandpur in Manipur on May 4,  2023

            It is evident from the above narration that the militancy has been part and parcel of Manipur’s past.  Now the question is what has prompted this sudden flare-up in the State.  Whereas, there are several theories afloat namely –

a)      It is an ethnic cleansing activity and Hindu Meitei’s are trying to marginalize the Christian Kuki’s;

b)     Is it a conflict related to the grant of ST status to the Meitei?

c)      It is a conflict being fueled by foreign elements; and

d)     Is it a fight against foreign influx and drugs related issue?

There are a plethora of articles touting several such theories is floating the internet and some of it is definitely lopsided presentation.   Anti-India and Misinformation propaganda spreaders accounts from different countries mainly from Pakistan and Gulf are setting up their fake narrative against India as usual by giving it a religious clash angle amongst the Hindu Meitei and Kuki predominantly protestant Christians.

           At present the Government of India has exercised its powers under provisions of Article 371C that came into existence by the 27th amendment of the Constitution of India in 1971. This article deals with the Special Provision with Respect to the State of Manipur. This article authorizes the President to provide for the creation of a committee of Manipur Legislative Assembly consisting of members elected from hill areas of the state. The central government can give directions to the state government as to the administration of Hill Areas.  Accordingly, central forces including Assam Rifles have been deployed to maintain peace and order in the State, which is now being opposed by the Meitei groups stating that the policing by them have remained ineffective so far as it has failed to stop the violence and act as mere spectators.  However, there are counter claims that the local police would be playing a more partisan role i.e. Meitei’s police personnel helping their side and Kuki’s police personnel their side.  Whereas, the militant side of Kuki people is historically manifest, but the present allegations that are being levelled by the Meitei are that Kukis are inducting fresh armed insurgents from Myanmar using the 16 Km. corridor for establishing their superiority in hill tracts and to continue with the lucrative drugs trade across the Myanmar border.  The Kuki’s feel that by allowing Meitei’s to settle in the hills, it would lead to degradation of culture, trade and seize advantage in their land.  Whereas, the Meitei’s alleged that the Kuki’s are inducting foreign groups, who are fueling and provoking he conflict.  On the other hand the Kuki people allege that a shadow militant group known as the ‘Arambai Tenggol’, which in Meitei language translates to “Warrior’s Blood” and was named after a weapon used by Manipuri kings (Arambai) is spearheading this movement, but there is no definitive proof of such an organization in Manipur officially existing as on date.  Another group that Kuki’s point out is the ‘Meitei Leepun’ was established in 2015. ‘Meitei Leepun’ currently has 14,000 members, who include senior citizens, women and children, professionals, businessmen, writers, and activists. There are 1,000 trained cadres among the 14,000 in total and that this group although touts for peace is actually inclined to unsettle the Kuki establishment and overrun their land.

             In my opinion, this cauldron of Manipur State was already simmering with mutual mistrust and ambition of Kuki’s to have a separate administrative control of their region despite being much lower in numbers as per population census i.e. 53% are Meitei and about 30% are Kuki, juxtaposed to it Meitei are boxed in 10% geographical area of Manipur and the Kuki have a hold on remaining 90%.  It is evident that the British, as per their policy of ‘divide and rule’ had made this administrative exercise willfully, but the successive Governments in India, failed to assert their administrative skills and address this issue.  Whereas, most of the people of North-eastern States have been designated as Scheduled Tribe’, but despite fulfilling all the criteria for being acknowledged as a Scheduled Tribe, the Meitei have been left out from the list.  Thus, the Meitei have a legitimate grudge and despite being persons having their origin in Manipur (as per details provided above), they have been denied permission to buy land in the hill tracts, as they are reserved for the Scheduled Tribe i.e. Kuki, Naga etc.  With the population implosion taking place in India, Manipur too has faced it, but Meitei population having being boxed within confines of Imphal valley, land has become a priced commodity and they cannot buy land elsewhere despite being there in their own ancestral land and despite having a bigger population enjoy only 10% of the geographical land area.  It is evident that the Kuki people of Manipur want to continue with their hold on the hill tracts and growing opium is a source of easy income for these largely poor tribal people, hence with the High Court order in 2023 seeking response of GoI regarding granting to Scheduled Tribe status, sparked off the long simmering under current that suddenly burst out like a volcano, in form of tribal conflict amongst the Kuki’s and Meitei’s on 3rd May, 2023. 

            Although, now this conflict has assumed a larger proportion, with foreign countries like China adding fuel to the fire through the Myanmar Junta by supplying arms and ammunition.  Role of elements like the Pakistan ISI also cannot be ruled out, especially in view of the recent Bangladesh incident, as also the involvement of American deep state, including likes of Mr. George Soros cannot be ruled out as in September, 2023 a Christian organization during 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council held a panel discussion and berated India for Human Rights violation and terming the conflict as ethnic cleansing of Christians.  The interference of foreign elements is thus fudging the original reason of conflict, which in my opinion stems from the fact that it is basically a fight for land that has become a scarce commodity for the Meitei population because of faulty practices of the Government of India in the decades upto 2020s and this simmering conflict of interest between the Meitei population and Kuki population has come to a point eruption between the two communities, each one trying to protect its own interest and land holdings and there is no religious basis in this fight as is being touted.

© S. Roy Biswas

*Most of the photographs have been sourced from the internet to provide a representative image of the incidents/narrations;

**Articles have been sourced for study and to research for the article and detailed in the Bibliography below; and

***This is my independent opinion and not articulated to favor or disfavor any organization or person or persons or association of persons

 Bibliography –

1.      Manipur: Kuki History Struggles To Break Out Of Colonial Tropes And Majoritarianism -

2.      History of Manipur -

3.      When did Kukis reach Manipur and how the past is shaping the state's present -

4.      2000: Irom Sharmila begins fast for repeal of AFSPA -


6.      Manipur’s oldest valley-based insurgent group, banned by MHA, signs peace deal with govt, gives up arms -

7.      Opinion: Why Manipur Has Hit Rock Bottom Of Distrust -

8.      Origin of Meitei people -

9.      The Manipur Conflict: Internal Discontent, Policy Gaps, and Regional Implications -

10.  What is really behind the violence in Manipur? -  

11.  Huge Row Over World Evangelical Alliance's Geneva Event On Manipur Violence -


Friday 29 March 2024

Kejriwal et al decoded


Kejriwal et al decoded

The only agenda of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and AAP - they are not responsible for anything - just blame the others for the debacles 

Proverbs have came to be part of all languages, as means of ‘pun’ with an underlying deeper social meaning embedded in it.  So the proverb ‘Birds of feather flock together’, intended to show that only like-minded people form associations and accordingly, all the members of the ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ (hereinafter referred to as AAP) also comprises of persons with similar characteristics and with a particular bent of mind.  AAP supremo has a penchant for disassociating himself from any responsibility and shifting the burden onto others shoulders and assuming a ‘holier than thou’ impression of himself.  The arrest of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal in the Liquor scam by Enforcement Directorate (hereinafter referred to as ED) occurred recently, after his having defied the ED summons nine times over the last three months.  He had filed applications before the competent courts and thereafter, also before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, seeking from the Court to pass orders protecting him from arrest by ED which was turned down, he was ultimately arrested and has created history of sorts, being only the second Chief Minister after Ms.Jayalalitha of Tamil Nadu to be arrested while being in the office as Chief Minister of a State. 

During his first tenure in 2014 - Mr. Arvind Kejriwal did only drama - We are not being allowed to work was his only agenda

Although I have a deep personal disliking for this character Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, but had no inclination to write any blog about his deeds and misdeeds.  However, the old penchant of these leftist oriented politicians, especially the statement of Ms.Atishi Marlena [now a days she uses Singh as Surname, having dropped Marlena and her last name i.e. Marlena is drawn by joining Marx and Lenin was coined by her parents and hence reflects her leftist leanings], drawing a corollary of Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy of Aurbindo Pharma Ltd. having paid BJP through Electoral Bonds as some sort of ‘Quid pro quo’ arrangement for influencing ED.  The allegation was serious, so this set me to look into these allegations a bit more seriously.  Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy is one of the accused in the Delhi Liquor scam case and was arrested on 10th November, 2022 being a middle-man between Mr.Kejriwal and the so called ‘South lobby’, especially in respect of Ms. K. Kavitha, daughter of TRS Chief and erstwhile Chief Minister of Telangana, who is also in custody of ED.  The allegations levelled by Ms.Atishi is that Electoral Bond of Rs.5 Crore was deposited by M/s Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. On 15th November, 2022 i.e. five days after his arrest in favour of BJPThe narrative being built up was that it was a ‘quid pro quo’ arrangement, but what benefits were extended to Mr.P Sarath Chandra Reddy by ED was conveniently not mentioned by Ms. Atishi, as it would have exposed her double faced agenda of defaming the ED by linking it to BJP.  The fact is that despite several attempts Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy had failed to secure bail from court due to strong opposition and submissions by the ED.  Thereafter, Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy was granted bail on medical grounds by the court only on 8th May, 2023 – here is a link to a newspaper report in this regard - where is the issue of BJP extending any benefits through ED to Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy, who languished in jail for a period of more than six months despite paying the so called money through Electoral Bond to BJP.  Now comes the next allegation of Mr.P Sarath Chandra Reddy becoming an approver and purchasing Electoral Bond of Rs.52 Crores of which about 36.4 Crores went to BJP kitty in May, 2023.  But where is the ‘quid pro quo’ agenda here?  Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy had already secured his bail and had also become an approver i.e. supporting EDs stand, then what was the need to pay?  Ms.Athishi conveniently side stepped these issues and just made up a ‘cock & bull’ story without any material facts, as per their old habit of leftists, to ‘build mountains out of mole hills’.  From the narrative set up by Ms.Atishi it appears that Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy ‘was running with the hares and hunting with the hounds’ at the same time, because this very transaction related to Electoral Bonds have likes of TRS Party, which too is identified with the so called ‘South lobby’, also getting a share in the Electoral Bonds purchased by Mr.Reddy, alongwith some other political parties opposed to BJP ideology at the same time.   From further probing into the pattern of political donations made by company of Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy, it is evident that they have been donating to BJP since 2011 and have been doing so to other parties also during the intervening periods.  Moreover, role of Mr. Reddy with regard to his purchase of Electoral Bonds was distinct through and on behalf of Ms. Aurobindo Pharma, whereas his role in liquor scam is also distinct, as it is relates to becoming a go-between Mr.Arvind Kejriwal and party and the so called ‘South lobby’ and his role in this affair is being investigated by ED.  Let me also make it clear that it is a strategy of most  Corporates, to donate to various political parties, so as to get a hassle free business environment in the States wherever they are operating, without political interference aka Singur of West Bengal, where Ms.Mamata Banerjee hounded out the TATA group for her narrow political gains.  It would also be pertinent to place here on record that Mr. P Sarath Chandra Reddy has been trying to visit some foreign country and has been continuously filing applications before the Courts to grant it permission to do so since almost ten months, but due to very strong opposition by the ED, he is not able to obtain the same till date, so the purported theory of BJP influencing working of ED falls flat on its face, as the theory of ‘quid pro quo’ being promulgated by Ms.Atishi is not only baseless, but also malafide and illegal in nature.

This is how he has been offering largesse from Government coffers to earn votes 

Now let us explore the past of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal in brief, to understand him and his ideology.  Mr. Kejriwal touts his educational qualifications to be a graduate in Mechanical engineering from IIT, Kharagpur.  Internet is also abuzz with claims about the conduct of Mr. Kejriwal as an employee since inception i.e. he was shortlisted from IIT, Kharagpur and engaged by TATA Steel, but he did not fare well there and got rated as a slow performer.  He thereafter made to IRS and during his days as Assistant Income Tax Commissioner in Income tax Department, he made it a point to harass the TATA group and was almost charged with disciplinary proceedings for his vindictive and malafide conduct as a Government Servant.  Although the veracity of these facts cannot be vouched by me, with regards to these above mentioned misdemeanors on part of Mr. Kejriwal, as the same have been sourced from the internet.   He worked in the Income tax department from 1995 and resigned in 2006.  His association with Mr. Manish Sisodia is also since long and from that time frame.  They had formed a NGO (Non-Government Organization) named as ‘Parivartan’ way back in 1999, as to how he did it despite being a Government Servant and this being against Conduct Rules, is not fathomable and thereafter, in 2005 he alongwith Mr.Sisodia formed another NGO called ‘Kabir’, which basically had a RTI focused work structure.  In 2000, Parivartan filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) demanding transparency in public dealings of the Income Tax department, and also organized a sit in protest in name of ‘satygraha’ outside the office of Chief Commissioner of Income Tax.  How he was spared action for acts against the Government and in violation of AIS (Conduct Rules) is not known, had action been taken, his services would have been terminated then and there.  In 2002, Ford Foundation had started to directly fund the NGO run by Mr. Kejriwal i.e. 'Sampoorna Parivatan' aka 'Parivartan'.  He later resigned from his job in February 2006, and later the same year, he was given the Ramon Magsaysay Award for ‘Emergent Leadership’, for his involvement with Parivartan.  It should be noted here that this award is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and their role in supporting those disrupting Government working is now well known all over.  In 2011, Mr. Kejriwal joined several other activists, including the likes of Sh.Anna Hazare and Ms. Kiran Bedi (another Ramon Magsaysay Award winner), to form the front known as India Against Corruption (IAC) group. The IAC demanded enactment of the Jan Lokpal Bill, which would result in a strong ombudsman. The campaign evolved into a Sh.Anna Hazare led Indian Anti-Corruption movement. In response to the campaign, the government's advisory body – the National Advisory Council – under Chairmanship of Ms. Sonia Ghandi drafted a Lokpal Bill. However, the NAC's Bill was criticized by Mr.Kejriwal and other activists on the grounds that it did not have enough tooth or powers to take action against the Prime Minister, other corrupt officeholders and/or the judiciary. The activists also criticized the procedure for the selection of Lokpal, the transparency clauses and the proposal to disallow the Lokpal from taking cognizance of public grievances.  So it is evident that Mr.Kejriwal has been a quintessential anti-establishment leftist minded anarchist (as per his own admission) and used Sh.Anna Hazare, the gullible person, to ride on his back to power in Delhi in 2014 and thereafter, in 2015.  In my opinion, BJP also played a silent part in his elevation, with sole intent of damaging Congress interests.

For getting into power Mr. Kejriwal used all tricks available with him to befool all

 Having come into power in 2014, as he did not have enough MLAs to support him in the Assembly, he took a U-turn and sought the support of Congress, against whom he was purportedly been fighting, on corruption related issues.  But, the fox that he is, he soon realized that he might get exposed and loose public sympathy and hence resigned after a few months, after making further insinuations against the Congress party.  In this interim period, he was able to garner a huge chunk of Congress voters in his fold, which the Congress failed to realize.  In the elections held in February, 2015 AAP emerged as a major party in Delhi Assembly elections and Mr.Kejriwal’s game started in the earnest thereafter.  They started portraying that all Government Servants from top to bottom were corrupt and started taking disciplinary action, right-left-center and advertising their deeds on banners and posters alongwith newspapers, with sole intent to win Punjab elections.  Having been associated with the media since long, Mr.Kejriwal targeted the Government advertisement revenue as a tool to garner money for his political goals.  I will expose the deeds/misdeeds of the AAP Government department wise to show the actual extent of their policies to garner votes through illegal appointments etc.

An apt cartoon depicting how he has made fool out of people of Delhi 

 The first department that was targeted by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal was the Information and Publication Department, GNCTD.  Both Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and Mr. Manish Sisodia have long been associated with the Press and Media and thus, have a sound knowledge and understanding of its working and hence at the first instance they increased the advertisement spending many folds and this also attracted a lot of controversy. This controversy regarding extravagant spending on advertisements by the AAP Government has continued unabated since the AAP Government assumed office in 2015 and has been spending on advertisements excessively, here are the links to a few articles that appeared in Newspapers  which are indicative of this kind activity being indulged into by the  AAP Government duly  led Mr. Arvind Kejriwal -                (i);                                               (ii)  Many ordinary people would question about the purpose of this as an allegation or where is the money siphoning involved in this?  I will explain briefly, upon assuming office, Mr. Kejriwal and Mr. Sisodia et al took a decision to form a company called ‘SHABDARTH (An Advertising Agency of Govt. of NCT of Delhi)’ that had a 50%-50% break up in Revenue share with GNCTD in respect of Advertisements issued.  The first question that comes to mind is that what was the need to create such a company, when an entire department had already been catering to such work of GNCTD.  But here is the catch, the advertisements issued to Print and other media attracts discounts that range from 10% to 15% normally and is credited back to the account of the companies/Government publishing such advertisements.  However, whenever the stakes are higher, the discounts can be higher, but without breaching the upper limit of 15% as per industry norms, so the extra comes in as cash kickbacks or other services paid for upfront by the publishing house/company.  So with the huge increase of almost 400% in advertisement revenue, imagine the amount of money ‘Shabdarth’ is receiving as discount and simply splitting it with Government, but the main purpose to create it was to handle the amount of kickbacks received over and above the official discount and its management.  By increasing the advertisement revenue, AAP has stopped most media houses from reporting their bungling’s, as none would like to lose the free moolah flowing into their coffers.  The deduction is drawn based on the circumstantial evidence available and detailed enquiry and findings to establish it can only be carried out by investigating agencies.

From day one he was creating political drama to destabilize the Central Government - under whose directions?  Was any foreign hand involved?

The other department to be targeted was the ‘Food and Civil Supplies Department’, GNCTD, as is evident from the activities of NGO run by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal i.e. Parivartan, which was associated with Public Distribution System (PDS) and was actively involved in its affairs through filing of RTI etc.  To explain in simple words, the AAP Government started targeting both the Officers/Officials of the department as well as simultaneously exerting pressure on the PDS distributors and replacing them with their own party workers, aka Trinamool model of West Bengal.  Thereafter, they targeted the BPL card holders and got cards cancelled through the Inspectors and allotted them to the AAP workers.  This was done to have faithful beneficiaries, who would remain supporters of AAP and also influence others for the largesse received to convert the benefit into votes.  It would be proper to place on record here that the then Lt. Governor, Delhi Sh.Najeeb Jung was also targeted by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal personally, when he had restored the PDS distribution shop that had been illegally terminated under directions of Mr.Kejriwal and here is the link to the newspaper clipping in this regard - ‘Delhi govt sets up panel to probe 'restoration' of FPS license’ -  The Department is huge and so many individual officers/officials were targeted by this corrupt AAP Government with sole intent to build a voter base, by granting illegal largesse at Government exchequers cost, which is the style and functioning of this Government.

            Similarly, the other area of interest of AAP was the Directorate of Education, GNCTD (DoE) it was directly handled by Mr. Manish Sisodia, as apart from its huge infrastructure that could cater to kickbacks through civil works and more importantly to clandestinely create an everlasting impression on young minds by teaching the AAP ideology and thus, create a vote bank for decades to come.  This was evident when school children were brought out to protest against Mr. Manish Sisodia’s arrest by ED.  The construction of rooms at exorbitant rates have been making rounds, but let me put the matter in a better perspective.  All the schools under the DoE receive some funds every year for upkeep and maintenance of the buildings and infrastructure etc.  This money has been spent over the decades and even if it is assumed that only 50% of the funds were actually utilized for the purpose, still it would run into lakhs on maintenance over the years.  In such a scenario, any cosmetic construction for beautification etc. would have been a very low amount, however, AAP is touted to have spent about Rs.25 Lakhs for construction of single class-room, which is not justifiable under any circumstances.  Hence it is apparent that PWD [which was under control of Mr. Satyendar Jain, who had previously worked in CPWD, GoI] in active connivance with some contract officials [so called Estate Officers] had got such ambiguous bills passed in contravention of CPWD Manual etc., a link to the news feature in this regard - ‘Probe 'Rs 1,300-crore scam' in building classrooms of Delhi Government schools, suggests Vigilance Directorate  -   Further, the AAP had latched on to the contract employees i.e. Guest teachers to further their agenda and also provided various incentives to them for clearing the written tests, but merely 10% of them passed the exam for selection of TGTs.  Thus, AAP ideology is solely based on policy of garnering voters by offering monetary and other incentives to persons from its fold/ideology by misusing Government rules & regulation.

The AAP Government used every means available to garner votes and in true leftist style have converted one papers many domestic workers as industrial/construction labor and provided them with ESIC benefits etc. only to keep his vote bank intact

            As stated hereinabove, the classic case of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) cannot be left out from the discussion.  All the public transportation by buses is the sole propriety of DTC and it operates both DTC driven, as well as, contract driven buses.  DTC has been running at huge monetary loss since ages.  There was a purported scam about purchase of busses by DTC under AAP – 'Delhi needs more educated L-G': AAP on CBI probe over alleged DTC bus scam’ -  So as per their practice, AAP always tries to sidetrack the issues raised against it and tries to deflect it back or make unnecessary and uncalled for insinuations.  Amongst the other scams discovered and reported was - BJP accuses Delhi govt of ‘panic button scam’; AAP rejects claims’ – here is the link to the news -  It would also be interesting to see as to how the cluster bus allocation has been done by the AAP Government.  Apart from these, the AAP Government has also introduced a new scheme for providing free bus ride for ‘women’, which has been implemented by the AAP Government without application of mind, in a very financially fragile organization i.e. DTC.  There are no numbers allocated to the pink tickets distributed to female travelers and hence it is very difficult to estimate the actual figures of female ridership in the busses and therefore, the mechanism to reimburse DTC is on flimsy grounds.  Moreover, even if the scheme was to enable mass movement of women, why grant them access to Air Conditioned busses, as they are meant for premium segment and by putting in women of every category that include ones indulging in pickpocketing etc., most people now shun DTC, thereby increasing the financial squeeze further.  What stopped the AAP Government to issue special passes to the BPL women and also men and to directly recharge the same, say @Rs.1000/- per month, it would have been a welfare measure targeted at EWS category, but AAP Government is not interested in any kind of Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT), but its main aim is to have/retain a voter base at the cost of Government largesse. 

How many scams have been done by AAP under able leadership of Mr.Kejriwal

            There are a plethora of departments in the Government of Delhi and each and every department dealt would open up a can of worms.  However, there are a few that require mention and I will merely mention them –

A)    Appointment of Civil Defense Volunteers, who were referred to CDVs and were to be engaged in specific disaster related tasks.  But the AAP Government turned it into an industry to recruit casual labour without any specific screening procedure and a majority of the CDVs were from a particular religion and background.  Their role and behavior, especially in the Revenue Department would show their penchant for corruption related activities and with active support of the AAP MLAs/Government, they had not only become conduits for money but also to ferret out information from files in departments wherever they were deployed – therefore, it is evident that the main aim of AAP is to have/retain a voter base at the cost of Government largesse  - concerned office – Revenue Department, GNCTD;

B)     Another scam is related to the disbursement of widow pension, Old age pension (on Ministers quota) etc., wherein too beneficiaries are being added/removed by pressurizing the Officers/Officials working there only with sole intent to have/retain a voter base at the cost of Government largesse  - concerned office – Child & Women Welfare and Social Welfare Department, GNCTD;

C)    The grant of power subsidy is another scam, as nothing goes to the account of the Direct Beneficiary, but is routed through a third party.  In many of the resettlement colonies and ‘Lal dora’ settlements, the landlords have built up their homes to accommodate people on rent.  Whether such structures have necessary clearance from MCD or they are paying taxes at commercial rates are never checked before grant of subsidy.  The policy specifically to grant benefit to tenants is full of gaps, landlords place identity cards etc. of the tenants in these localities, obtained for Police verification purpose, with the concerned Electricity Board office and seeks subsidy, but in reality even after getting the subsidy, they charge these poor tenants to pay up in cash for electricity used by them @ Rs.7/- upwards, thereby benefitting both ways.  There is no mechanism devised to check this type of corruption and has specifically has not been devised by the AAP Government with sole motive of having/retaining a voter base at the cost of Government largesse  -  concerned office – Power Department, GNCTD;

D)    One of the biggest achievement touted by the AAP Government was regarding grant of free water upto 20 KL per month.  Apart from water supply huge amount of financial activities take place in Delhi Jal Board (DJB) is sewerage treatment and desilting of drains etc.  However, the AAP Government has been deliberately avoiding audit of its accounts since F.Y. 2017-18 onwards and large scale irregularities are expected to be unearthed after audit takes place.  However, this year the funds to tune of Rs.3000 crores was not released because of the failure to get the audit conducted and the AAP Government, which has now approached the Hon’ble Supreme Court to get the funds released - Delhi govt goes to SC, seeks release of 'illegally blocked' Rs.3000 Crore DJB funds’ –

Some scams still to unearthed - fencing of storm water drains on directions of courts and thereafter, paving it with Kota stone etc. and putting stainless steel railings at public exchequers cost for thousands of meters in Delhi through I&FC/DJB

E)     The AAP Government comes up with innovative ideas to siphon off funds through illegal means.  One of them is by way of grant of civil construction work and in this context, the more recent one is the fencing of the drains, purportedly on the directions of NGT.  The sides of the open drains have been fenced properly and that would have been sufficient to abide with the directions, so as to stop littering of storm drains by residents etc.  However, they have made these drains fully concrete including drain sides and coupled with this the sides of the drains have been paved with kota stonework and side of drains protected with Stainless Steel railings running for over hundreds of meters and in thousands when calculated for all over Delhi.  Since access to the drain site is already blocked by high fencing and not approachable, what purpose would it serve to make such elaborate provisions aka river side revamping of drains.  Clearly the intent is to raise inflated bills and siphon off money from Government exchequer – concerned Department – Irrigation and Flood Control, GNCTD;

F)     The Public Works Department, GNCTD was headed by one of the most trusted lieutenants of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal namely Mr. Satendar Kumar Jain and hence one of the main institutions for indulging in corrupt practices for siphoning off money through malafide means.  There are a plethora of cases, some reported and some under investigation and details of few are as follows -                                                                   (a) Delhi chief minister Kejriwal’s relative arrested in alleged PWD scam’ -

(b) ‘Scam in construction of temporary hospitals in Delhi: BJP’ -

(c) ‘7 PWD officials issued show cause notices over ‘gross violation’ in renovation of Delhi CM residence’ -

So it is evident from the above that AAP came into power with sole intent to exploit the system to create both vote bank and illegal funds.

Apart from the above, there are other issues like that of ‘Mohalla Clinics’ in Health & Family Welfare Department, GNCTD and the link to one of the news is - ‘7 mohalla clinics ‘faked’ data to test ghost patients: Inquiry’ -  It would become an unending process of discussing so many departments individually and their AAP related illegalities, as the blog would take shape of a thesis rather than a blog.  

To save his own skin - Mr.Kejriwal is ready to ditch anyone and everyone

However, it would be incomplete, if I do not give a roundup of what the ‘Excise or Liquor Scam’ is all about, in which Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has been arrested and here is a brief oversight about it [as sourced from the internet] and placed as follows –

‘Old liquor policy of Delhi’

 750ML Wholesale Price 166.73

Excise Duty 223.88

VAT 106.00

Retailer commission 33.39


New liquor policy of Kejriwal Government implemented in March 2022...

750MLWholesale Price 188.41

 Excise Duty 1.88

 VAT 1% 1.90

 Retailer Margin 363.27

 Additional excise 4.54

MRP 560.00

 Thus, in the old liquor policy, the government's earnings on a bottle Rs.329.89 and in the new liquor policy only Rs.8.32.  That is, a Loss to the government of 321.57 per bottlefrom the new policy.  In the old policy, the retailer's commission would be 33.39 whereas in the new policy the retailer's commission was Not Rs 363.27 for a few months i.e. profit to the retailer of 330.12 per bottle.

Looking at the above mentioned scenario, it is clear that the retailer benefitted the most at cost of Government exchequer.  Now, one can understand that by making a clever new policy, how much benefit was given to the Manufacturers/Retailers i.e. the South Group. 

Now how did this benefit reach the manufacturer?   In the new policy, the manufacturers were allowed to open shops in retail (which was wrong as per the rules).  This was at the cost of employees of Government run retail network that was closed and all new employment opportunities for youths closed.  Despite selection process conducted by examination etc. for shortlisting of candidates for ‘Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. (DSCSC), which was in final stages by DSSSB, due to sudden closure of Government vends, the examination process was stalled, causing loss to Government exchequer, which had almost completed the task by use of government revenue and manpower, so much is touted by AAP to be working for welfare of the Youth and downtrodden.

 Now look at the sales figures too-

i)                   In the old policy where the Sale of liquor was - 132 lakh liters per month;

ii)        In the new policy, the sale of liquor was - 245 lakh liters per month*.

* To increase this sale, the *drinking age had been reduced to 18 years from 25 years and time of sale, which was earlier till 9.00 P.M had been increased till 3.00 A.M.  Further, Dry days had been reduced from 31 to only 3 days, with sole intent to increase the alcohol consumption so that sale could be maximized even at the cost of health and welfare of the young generation. 

Despite the fact that his colleagues have been trying to get bail - Mr. Kejriwal was enjoying  his freedom at their expense inspite of him being the actual kingpin of the liquor scam

By now you must have understood that how big a scam this is and how much money has been earned and in order to unearth the entire magnitude of the scam investigation had been launched by ED and now Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has been arrested to establish the chain of events and the money trail alongwith his role in the scam.  There are also unverified information floating around, regarding this scam, that points towards another facet of the scam that the second bottle that was actually being given free with one purchased, was also being billed clandestinely and the black money of AAP/Mr.Arvind Kejriwal siphoned off from various sources as detailed above, was shown as payment for the second free bottle and this money was being converted to white through the company account of retailers, to be used later and as is now being alleged by ED, for Goa elections.  Had the Government vends been functional, this kind of manipulation could not have been done and hence the New Excise Policy was introduced by Mr.Arvind Kejriwal et al.  I am providing with links to Newspaper reports regarding the scam – (i) What's "Delhi Liquor Scam"? A 10-Point Explainer’ -; (ii) High on liquor: What we know so far about Delhi excise policy case’ -

Finally prophecies made by Mr.Kejriwal come true

            Therefore, from the above narrated position it is evident that the acts of omission and commission by Mr.Arvind Kejriwal points towards a more sinister plot to undermine the Constitution and viz a viz position of India.  He had been associated with the Ford Foundation from inception and was also receiving funds directly for his NGO, despite being a Government Officer and no action was taken against him for violation of Conduct Rules.  Further, his acts of creating an independent ‘Feed Back Unit’ in 2016 after assuming office and also created an independent Anti-Corruption unit and his association with the divisive Khalistanis ['Kejriwal wants to become PM of independent Khalistan': What did Kumar Vishwas say?  -], who now openly state that they were instrumental in getting AAP Government in Punjab through funding etc. [never categorically denied by Mr.Kejriwal till date], reflects his anti-National agenda and penchant to come up on the wrong side of the law and he has personally admitted to being an anarchist and apparently associated with the urban Naxal leftists.  Ford foundation, with which Mr. Kejriwal has a close association, is a known organization extending cooperation to CIA and propagating elements that can cause disruption in functioning of Governments across the globe and India is no exception.  Apart from it, there are three other leading trusts that act in similar manner, by funding parties and individuals to impose their policies in Governments across countries and other amongst them is the Open Society Foundations – run by George Soros, who has openly challenged the Indian Government and tried to disrupt it through the Hidenberg report et al and other ‘tool kits’. Similarly, the Rockefeller Foundation and Omidyar Network are the four main foreign institutions that actively fund individuals and political parties and NGOs etc. to cause disruption in countries in guise to granting aid etc., through layers of institutions formed by them, to evade tracing back the source of funds to these original funding bodies.  The recent reaction of German government after arrest of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal is an indicator as to how deep-rooted this leftist think tank is spread in the world.  Now even United States has reiterated the same statement of German foreign office.  Therefore, the undercurrent of these leftist thought process, who want to set up Governments that are amenable to their ideology, by hook or by crook, is palpable and evident.  They not only opposed the election of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s in recently concluded elections, but their ambitions took a hit and these elements are now trying to do the same in India against Sh. Narendra Modi and targeting Mr. Donald Trump in USA.  Therefore, it can be presumed from the facts placed above that Mr.Arvind Kejriwal is not only a thoroughly corrupt person, but also an anti-national element and his role should be probed deeply and thoroughly by the agencies in the interest of the Nation.

What Mr. Kejriwal started as a corruption removal political agenda has now lost all its sheen and he stands totally exposed on on fronts.

[All the cartoons and facts etc. have been sourced from the internet]

© S. Roy Biswas