Tuesday 14 February 2017

A Social Mirror For Teachers

A Social Mirror For Teachers

All of us start eulogizing the role of teachers on the occasion of ‘Teacher’s day’ but are the doings by some sections really call for such act on our part. We have now reached a stage wherein we have to put forth a question to ourselves that as to whether these present day teachers still desrve all the accolades we bestow upon them? Therefore, I would like to put forth the other aspect of these present day teacher’s, as a social mirror to gauge themselves.

I have been closely associated with the education system during the course of my service and watched very closely, what I term as the other half of these teachers. No doubt that a cadre of highly dedicated and outstanding teachers still existing, but their numbers are miniscule. However, I sincerely do not want to hurt their ego and state that my noting is not targeted against them and hence they may excuse my observations regarding remainder of their kind. I have classified the teachers with abominate qualities into three main categories – (1) Those who are primary & secondary stage teachers; (2) Teachers in higher & professional institutions; (3) Teachers who have grown to become administrators.

The main draw back of this first category of the teachers is that majority of them lack motivation and take their duties as mundane rather then a challenge as the future of this Nation is their hands. The other aspect of this category of teachers is that unlike the past when this profession was chosen with the best heads over their shoulders, now a days it has turned out that all those who are left out in the race for the coveted jobs or opportunities opt for this profession, more as a matter of last resort rather than by choice. I have also observed first hand that the frustration, of not getting what they aspired for, makes them depressed & disillusioned with the Society. As a result of this, they behave like animals with the students, neither sharing their feelings nor trying to understanding the students’ predicament. This is apparent especially in Government run institutions or those aided by the Government despite the fact that these teachers are one of the best paid in comparison to those having employment outside this specified sector with all kinds of perks to go for. The most abhor able character that even further degrades their stature is their demand for money underhand by means of giving private tuitions. Although this is barred by the Government, yet goes on clandestinely. I will give an example wherein the daughter of my ‘Press wallah – Ironing person’ has been failing in Hindi, despite that being their mother tongue, in Class VI since past two years just because he cannot afford to get her daughter to take private classes/tuition for her from the concerned teacher. No doubt that the poor girl may have to drop out of school, but at whose cost?

Although the private run Institutions do not face this problem, specifically so because of the fact that most the parents whose wards study in such institutions are reasonably well placed as compared to their Government school counter parts. But here there is an entire set of priorities which govern the teaching. The teachers for their career sake will help out students whose parents are reasonably well placed as compared with others and as also they will pay special emphasis on the outstanding students. In this run of the mill attitude, the poor average student, who occupies a bench from the second or third rung to just above the last rung are the most affected. However, if the teachers just but browse through the list of persons who have made it good in life, they will find that most of them never had an outstanding academic record but were average students and the leading light amongst them is Thomas Alva Edison. Therefore, is it not the burdened duty upon the teachers to encourage and bring out the best from even the quietest & average of students because you know not which shell shall bring forth a shining pearl?

The next level of educational tier is the Professional Institution or College and therein even upto a few years back the Science stream was the most preferred. The teachers in these Institutions hold a distinct advantage from the first category of teachers discussed hereinabove. The teachers in this category are amongst the best educated and have a healthy salary to go with. However, here to the lack of motivation is apparent and the misgivings of school teachers give way to a kind of arrogance which is uncalled for. The student found to put too many questions are frowned upon and the majority of the teachers just want to complete the course in a routine manner rather than to try and improve the teaching & learning experience. In the Science streams there is another major factor that comes through and that is nepotism. I have seen a Head of Department send back the Botany collection of his nephew as in comparison to the collection made by another fellow student it just paled to oblivion.  This teacher? then impressed upon the outside expert that the collection made by his nephew was far better than anyone else’s. This nephew got the highest marks in the practicals as against the student who had really worked hard for the collection. What impression it would make on a young impressionable mind? Will it not indicate to all students who were present and seen everything themselves that nepotism rather then merit is what makes sense in today’s’ world or in case of modern day ‘Kalyug’ teachers. The awe of teachers is even more pronounced in the professional colleges especially medical colleges where the teachers have assumed a god like aura and openly threaten the students of ruining their careers!  The guides for thesis will make and call for such changes which are not practical and after many a hit and trial methods may come back to the first paper submitted! At what cost and for what purpose, only to satisfy their gloated egos?  The suicides by students, some of which get reported whereas some others just go unreported and to oblivion, who is responsible? Please stand up if you have the guts and acknowledge your responsibility you owe towards the parents of such students & this nation at large!

One can go on and on with what ails our education system. But before closing I will deal with the third category of the teachers turned administrators. Such people are entrusted the task of administering our Education system as they are supposed to know the ‘ins & outs’ of the system having been born in the cadre.  However, even in a simple exercise of granting recognition to Public Schools these individuals in order to make a quick buck will recommend Institutions which do not even meet the basic requirements as designated by the Government. These unscrupulous elements will even go the extent to replace documents/forge records and indulge in all kinds of nefarious activities including attempt to literally eliminate anyone who tries to bring in a semblance of accountability in this entire chain. In whose hands have we entrusted our Education system?

As stated above, I have personally experienced some of the facts stated hereinabove in course of my career. This is a social mirror and I would request all teachers to read this and introspect.
(This article by me was posted in Sulekha.com almost 10 years ago and would like to retain it in my personal blog as well - it elicited some interesting comments - to read the same link to the original blog - http://creative.sulekha.com/a-social-mirror-for-teachers_278225_blog )

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